Sunday, January 10, 2010

1 Malaysia

One Malaysia was first proposed by Dato Seri Najib Tun Razak after be appointed as the sixth prime minister of Malaysia . This “gagasan” was created for make unity all of race which exist Malaysia . What kinds this aspect ?. Today ‘One Malaysia’ is making its way to raise our nation to greather heights by promoting unity and tolerance through culture,religion and race.

As culture is one of the most important aspect of one’s life ,’One Malaysia’ is developing unity tolerance in the various culture of Malaysian . When all race play roles in every culture of other race’this will make many cultures will explodes to become universal . For example,the Indian play roles for Chinese cultures is one most important aspect that we must follow. As a result ,culture is one important aspect ‘On Malaysia’ .

Moreover,other aspect which can be be catalyst the organization of ‘One Malaysia’ is religion . The people of this country tend ti obsessed with their own religion until unity and tolerance between themselves have taken a backseat . Consequently, we must play roles through festival which occur in Malaysia . Therefore, it is proven that the importance of religious to make ‘One Malysia”come true.

Besides that, other main important issues is race. In Malaysia,the issues of race has always evoked a great deal of controversy as to which race is better and thus ,’6ne Malaysia is introduced . The event 13 may 1969 ,which occur riot have give many effect to Malaysia.

Therefore,the benifits that One Malaysia has to offer which is unity and tolerance must be taken into account by all Malaysian.